Middle School #ColorRun is underway!!
8 months ago, Dr. Sean M. Croft
Mr. Toth
Dr. Gray
Bounce House
Color Run
Color Run
Dr. Gray
Looks like we skipped posting the winners for Middle School Student's of the month for May!! Congratulations to the Students of the Month for May: 6th grade: Scarlette Ebling 7th grade: Nicholas Larouere 8th grade: Isabella Plewinski
8 months ago, Debbie Maybach
Scarlette Ebling
Nicholas Larouere
Isabella Plewinski
Congratulations to the following students who have been chosen as the winners of Students of the Month for June in the Middle School: 6th grade: Julia Plewinski 7th grade: Olivia Knoebel 8th grade: Vivian Kay
8 months ago, Debbie Maybach
Art class for grades K-2 and Art camp for Grades 3-9
8 months ago, Debbie Maybach
Art class
Art camp
Come on out to Starpoint High School for the 11th Annual District Spring Jazz Ensemble Concert this Tuesday, June 4 @ 6:30 pm! The Middle School Jazz Ensemble ( Grades 6-7), directed by Stephanie Teichman, Junior High Jazz Ensemble ( Grades 8-12) and the Honors High School Jazz Ensemble (Grades 10-12) directed by Karen Russo, will be performing! We hope to see you there!!
9 months ago, Debbie Maybach
You do not want to miss this chorus concert!!!!!!! Songs of Toto, Beatles, Beach Boys, Rolling Stones and more. Tomorrow night, May 30.
9 months ago, Debbie Maybach
Congratulations to the winners of the Police Athletic League’s Art Awards. Each district in Niagara county nominates their top senior students as the award winner for their school. Each student receives a trophy and also becomes a candidate for a scholarship. Kendal Linton =Digital Art Award Leila Kuhns = 3D Art Award Heidi House = 2D Art Award Emily Weaver = Photography Award Brian Keufus = Vocal Award James Runfola = Instrumental Award Luke DiPirro = Theater Award & Scholarship Winner! Congratulations to all!
9 months ago, Debbie Maybach
Polls are open until 8pm tonight! Voting is in the HS Fine Arts Lobby BOE Member Election: On the Ballot: Jason Madden Lisa Kankolenski Jonathan Kinmartin Michelle Leuer Prop #1 - General Fund Budget Prop #2- Student Ex-Officio (Non-Voting) Board Member
9 months ago, Dr. Sean M. Croft
Starpoint CSD: Correction!voting is today in the HS Fine Arts Lobby from 7am-8pm BOE Member Election On the Ballot-Jason Madden, Lisa Kankolenski, Jonathan Kinmartin, Michelle Leuer Prop #1 - General Fund Budget Prop #2- Student Ex-Officio (Non-Voting) Board Member
9 months ago, Dr. Sean M. Croft
The Link Crew and WEB programs are sponsoring a Chiavetta's dinner on the night of the District Budget Vote, Tuesday, May 21. To pre-order your dinner, please click on this link https://docs.google.com/forms/d/e/1FAIpQLSddBpKtSJ71N7uSd6_goETp2sAjFaOkzxutwGl3c9m22Sd30A/viewform?usp=sf_link Thanks for your continued support of the Link and WEB programs.
9 months ago, Debbie Maybach
Starpoint student-athletes are invited to join a unique summer training experience hosted by Excelsior Sports Performance. Participants will engage in workouts designed to build their strength, mobility, speed, agility, endurance, and power while learning safe training habits. This 6-week program is a great way to transition into the Fall season. Register using the link below or reach out to Dr. Kendall Marshall with any questions. Registration Link: https://forms.gle/dPYyXH9RHcZwMQWb9
9 months ago, Debbie Maybach
Middle School color run fundraiser. All forms are due by May 8th. See attached flier!
9 months ago, Debbie Maybach
color run
The 3rd annual Middle School Color Run will be on June 11th (rain date June 12th) from 2:30-4:30. All money raised will go directly to P.U.N.T., helping families impacted by pediatric cancer. The Student Council is looking for sponsors to help make our event a success. Please see the letter if you would be interested in helping in any way. Middle School students will receive their Color Run permission slips next week!
10 months ago, Debbie Maybach
Congratulations to Starpoint CSD Music dept for once again receiving the Best Communities for Music Education Award. This is an award for Outstanding Support of Music Education! Enriching the Lives of Children and Advancing Student Achievement. https://www.nammfoundation.org/articles/bcme-2024-districts?utm_source=NAMM+Foundation&utm_campaign=05eb435e2a-EMAIL_CAMPAIGN_BCME&utm_medium=email&utm_term=0_bde48148d9-05eb435e2a-133064725
10 months ago, Debbie Maybach
10 months ago, Debbie Maybach
Summer Theatre Camp. See attached poster
10 months ago, Debbie Maybach
summer theatre camp
Tonight, Monday, April 22. It's Here! The High School Jazz Ensembles' biggest gig ever: Where: The Sportsmen's Tavern at 326 Amherst Street in Buffalo, NY When: MONDAY, April 22, 2024, from 7:00-9:00 PM We hope to see you all there!
10 months ago, Debbie Maybach
Are currently experiencing a power outage. We are keeping all students in their classrooms due to safety issues due to insufficient lighting. We will keep you updated as we receive information from national grid.
10 months ago, Dr. Sean M. Croft
Congratulations to the Middle School Student of the Month recipients for April!!! 6th grade: Karissa Reynolds 7th grade: Madelyn Wollaber 8th grade: Charlie Comin
10 months ago, Debbie Maybach
Karissa Grade 6
Madelyn 7th grade
Charlie Grade 8