Don't forget to place your orders for Starpoint Spiritwear by 9/1/24.
With school starting back and everyone posting photos of your adorable children, please be mindful of revealing personal information about your child. Their full name, name of school, grade, age and other identifying tidbits can be used by predators and scammers. The safest practice is to keep personal information to a minimum, no matter your privacy settings or friends.
Have a great school year,
Deputy DiMarco
Starpoint Spiritwear online store.
Starpoint is Accepting Applications for their Academic Wall of Fame & Sports Wall of Fame
The Starpoint Central School District is accepting nominations for the Dr. C. Douglas Whelan Academic Wall of Fame and the Sports Wall of Fame for the 2024-25 school year. Nominees for the Academic Wall of Fame and the Sports Wall of Fame should be graduates between the years of 1958-2014. Nomination information and applications can be downloaded from the school's website at www.starpointcsd.org under the Menu and scroll down to the Parents/Community and click on Alumni https://www.starpointcsd.org/page/alumni or by contacting Jane Wilson jwilson@starpointcsd.org or 716-210-2307 for more information. Nominations will be accepted until September 15, 2024 for the Academic Wall of Fame and Achievement and until October 15, 2024 for the Sports Wall of Fame.
Kids and Family Day, August 19th.
Click to watch any of these last three Starpoint Commencement Ceremonies on demand:
#OneStarpoint - tune in tonight @ 7pm to watch the Livestream of our 2024 Commencement Ceremony!
Last set of 2024 Parade of Graduates!! Enjoy
"2024 Parade of Graduates" continued......
A few more photos from the " Parade of Graduates". Congratulations to the Class of 2024. So emotional and memorable for the Elementary teachers as well.
Art class for grades K-2 and Art camp for Grades 3-9
![Art class](https://core-docs.s3.amazonaws.com/starpoint_central_school_district_ar/live_feed_image/image/8734652/large_art_class.jpeg)
![Art camp](https://core-docs.s3.amazonaws.com/starpoint_central_school_district_ar/live_feed_image/image/8734653/large_Summer_Art_Camp_2024.png)
Come on out to Starpoint High School for the 11th Annual District Spring Jazz Ensemble Concert this Tuesday, June 4 @ 6:30 pm!
The Middle School Jazz Ensemble ( Grades 6-7), directed by Stephanie Teichman,
Junior High Jazz Ensemble ( Grades 8-12) and the
Honors High School Jazz Ensemble (Grades 10-12) directed by Karen Russo, will be performing!
We hope to see you there!!
You do not want to miss this chorus concert!!!!!!! Songs of Toto, Beatles, Beach Boys, Rolling Stones and more. Tomorrow night, May 30.
Congratulations to the winners of the Police Athletic League’s Art Awards. Each district in Niagara county nominates their top senior students as the award winner for their school. Each student receives a trophy and also becomes a candidate for a scholarship.
Kendal Linton =Digital Art Award
Leila Kuhns = 3D Art Award
Heidi House = 2D Art Award
Emily Weaver = Photography Award
Brian Keufus = Vocal Award
James Runfola = Instrumental Award
Luke DiPirro = Theater Award & Scholarship Winner!
Congratulations to all!
Student worker opportunities. See attached
![B & G](https://core-docs.s3.amazonaws.com/starpoint_central_school_district_ar/live_feed_image/image/8566988/large_Page1.jpg)
![pg 2](https://core-docs.s3.amazonaws.com/starpoint_central_school_district_ar/live_feed_image/image/8566986/large_Page2.jpg)
Student Worker job opportunities. See attached
![B & G](https://core-docs.s3.amazonaws.com/starpoint_central_school_district_ar/live_feed_image/image/8564476/large_Student_Workers_2024_B___G.jpg)
Polls are open until 8pm tonight!
Voting is in the HS Fine Arts Lobby
BOE Member Election:
On the Ballot:
Jason Madden
Lisa Kankolenski
Jonathan Kinmartin
Michelle Leuer
Prop #1 - General Fund Budget
Prop #2- Student Ex-Officio (Non-Voting) Board Member
Starpoint CSD: Correction!voting is today in the HS Fine Arts Lobby from 7am-8pm
BOE Member Election
On the Ballot-Jason Madden, Lisa Kankolenski, Jonathan Kinmartin, Michelle Leuer
Prop #1 - General Fund Budget
Prop #2- Student Ex-Officio (Non-Voting) Board Member
The Link Crew and WEB programs are sponsoring a Chiavetta's dinner on the night of the District Budget Vote, Tuesday, May 21. To pre-order your dinner, please click on this link https://docs.google.com/forms/d/e/1FAIpQLSddBpKtSJ71N7uSd6_goETp2sAjFaOkzxutwGl3c9m22Sd30A/viewform?usp=sf_link
Thanks for your continued support of the Link and WEB programs.