We are excited for our first ever #OneStarpoint celebration of Unity Day tomorrow! Please remember to wear orange to show the message that Starpoint is kind, inclusive and accepting!
Starpoint finishes the job, earns playoff spot with win over NT!
Today the PARP spirit wear fundraiser kicks off! There are a variety of Starpoint gear options available this year. Please share with your homeroom/class! The store is open until the 18th and then will take about 3 weeks before they are ready. We will deliver once they arrive! Please let us know if you have any questions!
Erin DiCanio & Kate Krawczyk
Congratulations to the High School Students of the Month for September .
Juniors: Abigail Forsey & Megan Milleville
Congratulations to the Middle School Student of the Month recipients for October!!
6th grade: Cody Schmidt
7th grade: Ellia Mapes
8th grade: Gianna Tice
A reminder that Chromebook Insurance payments are due by Friday, October 6th. Please send in your form and payment to your child's school building or pay online at My School Bucks.
Great turnout for PTA/Fricano Ice Cream Social for Kindergarten parents and new families to the district. Welcome to #onestarpoint
Also, don't forget to stop by the book fair in the yellow gym!
Click below to view Dr. Croft's Superintendent report from the September 25th BOE meeting. https://docs.google.com/presentation/d/e/2PACX-1vSddQIfKJ7_nuGmR5JpgB56DaYmcQn_2zorQfh7FzoxO9rHNkJ5l_y2xYMVHTibxz_QgStpmvy_Vz9E/pub?start=true&loop=true&delayms=10000
For grades K-5
Lego building for students in Grades 3-5
The HS World Language Club is having a Chiavetta's Chicken Dinner on Thursday, September 28, 2023 in the HS cafeteria from 3 pm-6pm. Pre-sale and walk-ups available.
The Class of 2025 is participating in a Pajama sale fundraiser. Click on the link to purchase your PJ's by Friday, Oct. 20. Officers from the Class of 2025 will distribute in Nov. to drop off PJs to all students and staff members. Wear them on No. 20 National PJ Day!
ATTENTION Parents and Students in Grades 10-12
October 3, 2023
6:30 PM
High School Auditorium
Financial Aid Night
Presenter: Christina Horner
UB’s Financial Aid Assistant Director
Hope to see you there!
Hosted by Starpoint High School Counselors
Community Education NFL Soccer and Flag football for Ages 5-13
"It is time for mums! Help support the Class of 2024 and all of their senior year activities by purchasing mums. Pre-orders can be placed by clicking the link in the form below OR by dropping off your order form to the high school office. Plants are 9 inch mums of varying colors and will cost $12 each. Thanks for your support!" Please click on this link to place your order. https://docs.google.com/forms/d/e/1FAIpQLSeQMeog5HSKZr7Pm1eG06vPd7oecwlCPdLfaNOs7yAxUlNGag/viewform?usp=sf_link
Starpoint is Accepting Applications for their Academic Wall of Fame & Sports Wall of Fame
The Starpoint Central School District is accepting nominations for the Dr. C. Douglas Whelan Academic Wall of Fame and the Sports Wall of Fame for the 2023-24 school year. Nominees for the Academic Wall of Fame should be graduates between the years of 1958-2008 and nominees for the Sports Wall of Fame should be graduates between the years of 1958-2012. Nomination information and applications can be downloaded from the school's website at www.starpointcsd.org under the Menu and scroll down to the Parents/Community and click on Alumni https://www.starpointcsd.org/page/alumni or by contacting Jane Wilson jwilson@starpointcsd.org or 716-210-2307 for more information. Nominations will be accepted until October 1, 2023 for the Academic Wall of Fame and Achievement and until November 1, 2023 for the Sports Wall of Fame.
Basketball opportunities for Grades 3-12
Please see attached flier for Middle School Assistant Principal position
Middle School picture Day
Lots of smiling faces walking into #OneStarpoint this morning! Welcome back!