Technology Vision & Goals

Vision for Technology Use:

The Starpoint CSD will create an environment where educators and students are empowered to improve learning outcomes through the ethical use of technology.  

District Technology Goals:

The Starpoint Technology Committee has developed the Starpoint Technology Goals 2022-2025 for using telecommunications and technology to improve teaching and learning..

The Major District Technology Goals for 2022-2025

  1. Installation and integration of ClearTouch interactive panels in all instructional areas and provide professional development to show effective use.

  2. Starpoint’s Technology Infrastructure will support the needs of business and instruction to provide a safe education.  This system will allow access to the best resources offered while protecting the data of all students and staff.

  3. The District will implement and sustain a 1:1 device plan, which will provide all students with access to the educational materials necessary for student success.   

  4. Upgrade the wireless network to provide a regionally supported, robust, and secure network to ensure sufficient, reliable, high-speed connectivity for students and staff.