Health Office

The following contains information in regards to your child's health at Starpoint Middle School.  Please call the number below with any questions during regular school hours. Be advised, many health care providers will not fax medical information to the school.  It is the parent’s/guardian’s responsibility to provide us with the required documentation.   

*Breaking News regarding current 6th graders going to 7th grade this Fall! 
A Meningitis immunization will now be required to enter 7th grade.  Call your child’s health care provider to make sure your child gets the vaccine if they haven’t already. Please provide written proof of the vaccine to the school nurse before September.

Immunizations:  All students must have documented proof of required New York State immunizations prior to entering school.  Failure to do so will result in the exclusion of your child from school.  All 6th graders must have documented proof of a Tetanus, Diphtheria, and Pertussis (Tdap) booster.  A second Varicella vaccine is now also required for 6th grade.  Contact your child’s doctor or the Health Department for details.      

Physicals:  A fully documented physical is required of 7th graders, new entrants, and some CSE students.  This can be done by your child’s own health care provider up to 12 months prior to the first day of school that year or by our school health care provider. A copy of the physical must be received in the Health Office no later than October 1st of that school year.  If we do not receive this, your child will be scheduled for a school physical as directed by New York State Education law.  You may download and print out a blank physical form below for your child's health care provider.   

Sport Physicals:  7th & 8th-grade students interested in trying out for an interscholastic sport should attend the informational meeting for that sport and sign up. Announcements are made in school and signs are posted indicating dates and times of meetings. A sport form must be completed by the parent/guardian prior to trying out for each sport.  A copy of a recent physical must be on file in the nurse’s office.  A physical can be done either by your child’s own health care provider or by the school physician.  Your child’s physical must not be older than one year prior to the onset of tryouts and practice.  Our school physician has the final say on the approval of a child to participate in a particular sport.  Your child can obtain the proper forms from a coach, the Athletic Director’s office, Starpoint’s athletic website or the school nurse.

Medication In School & Sports:  All medication, both prescription and over the counter, must be secured in the Health Office and can only be dispensed by the nurse if there is written permission by the student's parent/guardian AND physician.  The medication must be brought in its original container by the parent/guardian. We do not "stock" over the counter medications.  Only Epi-pens and Inhalers may be carried by the student with written physician’s and parent’s permission on file in the Health Office. No student needing an inhaler or epi-pen may participate in their sport unless the proper permission forms are on file in the Health Office. Once this is complete, inhalers and epi-pens must be with them at all times. Blank consent forms are available in the Health Office or click below to download.                                            

Screenings:  Vision & Hearing, Scoliosis.  New entrants and 7th graders will have their vision and hearing checked along with those who have been identified in the past as having difficulty.  Please make sure your child’s corrective lenses are worn in school if prescribed. A referral will be mailed should any concerns arise. SCOLIOSIS:  Per NYS Ed. Edpt., Scoliosis will be checked on 7th-grade girls unless a physical has been done that year. Should any concerns be discovered, a written referral will be mailed for your physician to review. 

Medical Excuses: If your child has a doctor’s note limiting his/her participation in gym, swimming &/or sports, it is to be given to the school nurse. A copy may be given to their physical education teacher &/or coach.  If a student is excluded from gym, he/she is automatically excluded from their sport also.  Certain injuries and illnesses may require a follow-up note from your physician allowing the student back into gym and /or sports.  Swim exclusion notes need to be updated every school year. 

Additional Information: Recent changes to the New York State Education Law require that BMI and weight status group be included as part of the student's health examination for mandated years. (7th grade for Middle School) Our school will be reporting to the New York State Department of Health information about our weight status group. Only summary information is sent. No names and information about individual students are sent. However, you may choose to have your child's information excluded from this survey report.

Mrs. Frances Anderson RN BSN


Phone 210-2230  

Fax 210-2231

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